Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Kirtan & Chanting

So, here it is: my family and friends think that I've lost my mind. I spend my free Saturday evenings going to kirtans, banging on a drum, or playing my harmonium. I sing the names of the gods and goddesses. I hang out with my crazy yoga hippie friends and lose myself in the music. And that's crazy. My husband doesn't understand why I feel the need to play the harmonium, to listen to chants all the time in my car, and practice them. But here it goes: music brings me closer to God. It always has, it always will. There's a reason I spent way too many years playing instruments, studying opera, spending all my extra money on sheet music and expensive voice lessons: music has always been my passion. Now my passion is yoga and sharing that with others. It's like God gave me an outlet for that with kirtan. What better way to bring together my two passions than Bhakti yoga. The path of Bhakti is one of devotion. I love the concept of devotional singing. The words are incredibly powerful, the melodies haunting, the spirit of those around me divine. So, for those of you who think I'm crazy? Come with me to a kirtan. When you lose yourself in the moment with the music, with everyone chanting all around you, you'll understand. Keep an open mind and God will shower you with blessings! Meanwhile, I'll keep playing my harmonium, singing my songs and living in the beautiful, musical moment.