Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Yoga: A Cult?

So, one of the headline stories on yesterday was about yoga as a cult. Here's the link if you're interested in reading it:

Technically, it's not about yoga as a cult, but about Dahn Yoga and their leadership/business model/etc... However, if you see the headline, what you walk away with is "yoga is a cult". With so many different styles of asana practice out there and so little education provided to the general public, I'm afraid articles like this are rather damaging. A co-worker brought this article to my attention, saying "By the way, check out CNN. They say you're in a cult."
But this leads me down this path of thought: Anything, taken to an extreme, is dangerous. You must always think before you act. Does this smell right? Is there something here that doesn't seem right? If you read the article, you find that these former Dahn Yoga employees state that they were coerced into performing dangerous activities. Their minds were being controlled. While asking people to do these activities might not be right, they should also take responsibility for making the decision to do what they were asked. Extremes are never a good option. I could practice yoga asanas all day long, meditate and practice pranayama. But at what cost? In reality I would be alienating my husband and daughter and if asana was practiced too much, damaging my body. Are people in a hurry to gain enlightenment? Is that why people go to extremes in these types of practices? I make the time I can for the things which are important for me. I struggle to find the time on a daily basis for my meditation, but I know it's important. I sneak it in when the opportunity presents itself. But I won't go to ridiculous lengths because a supposed guru says that is the only way.

In the end, we all are our own gurus. Look inside yourself and see what lies within. Listen to your body and your soul. Make wise decisions, live in the way that you know is right. Seek positive role models and teachers. Be careful who you choose to emulate. Yoga is not a cult. I can't speak to Dahn Yoga in general, but YOGA, the path, this is not a cult. It's a lifestyle and a choice. Not always the easiest, but the one I've chosen. Your thoughts?

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